Recycling Furniture and fabrics has been around a lot longer than most of us think.
In this day and age we have finally woken up to the reality of finite resources and I would like to blog a little about Shabby Chic.
Please click here for more information on recycling

In this day and age we have finally woken up to the reality of finite resources and I would like to blog a little about Shabby Chic.
Please click here for more information on recycling
Background of Shabby Chic
As per Wicipedia”The style started in Great Britain and evokes the type of decoration found in large country houses where there are worn and faded old chintz sofas and curtains, old paintwork and unassuming 'good' taste.
The end result of shabby chic is to achieve an elegant overall effect, as opposed to the sentimentally cute Pop-Victorian.
These days Recycling old furniture and fabrics is an important aspect of it.The early forms of shabby chic were rather grand but the style has evolved taking inspiration from many forms of decoration.
These range from 18th century Swedish painted decoration, the French Chateau as well as the American Shakers where simplicity and plainness was essential.Shabby chic is mainly popular in interior design where furniture and furnishings are either chosen for their age and signs of wear and tear or new items are distressed to achieve the appearance of an antique.
Shabby chic items are often heavily painted with many layers showing through obviously worn areas. The style is imitated in Faux Painting using glaze or by painting then rubbing and sanding away the top coat to show the wood or base coats. Fabrics tend to be cottons and linens, with linen being particularly popular, inspired by old French linens.
Whites and worn or bleached out pastels are favorite colours. Fabric is often stained with tea to give it the look of old fabric. Bleached and faded are terms often applied to the style .
Another form of Recycling is Utilizing space, and leads on nicely to utilizing secret spaces , I know I should have been a TV Anchor
Namely the base of the wardrobe.
The old version of this did not utilise this space, so as per usual we requested a modification to design, and the next day voila a secret drawer.
Here are some other items we stock with Secret Drawers:
FW2062 Ladies Dressing table/Writing Desk
LPF1011- French Dressing Table and Mirror
We have been able to negotiate with the suppliers and these wardrobes will cost no more than the current ones and do give an extra dimension to the product.
The Head of Marketing often comes out with some inspiring sentences, like “It’s hidden in the detail”, “The antiques of tomorrow”, but when vigorously demonstrating the secret drawer to the staff caused a groan when he said
“Noir you see it Noir you don’t”
Anyone like to head hunt our Head of marketing…..Please….
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